Tuesday, October 03, 2006


COMPLETE PROGRAM - - - October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

MCCLA VIDEO FEST is working in collaboration with New College of California's Roxie Film Center
we will show the OFFICIAL SELECTION and WINNERS of the VIDEO FEST and special guests in 4 different programs during the days 11 & 12 of October. Videos are produced by filmmakers from Peru, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Venezuela and San Francisco.
ROXIE Cinema is located in the heart of San Francisco's Mission District, at 3117 16th Street between Valencia and Guerrero

Also we are working in collaboration with the MAPP, Mission Arts Performance Project, a collective of artists working in community 3 years ago, MAPP is the award winning of the BEST OF THE BAY: best art in the hood, by SF BAY GUARDIAN.
We will show a series of video installations. MAPP is located around the RED POPPY ART HOUSE, Folsom @ 23rd Street, San Francisco.

And we have presentations at the MISSION CULTURAL CENTER FOR LATINO ARTS Theatre. We will show the complete OFFICIAL SELECTION, WINNERS and special Guests movies.
MCCLA Theatre is located in 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco CA 94110

--- below all the dates ---

6:45 pm and 9 pm,
two different programs, Admission: Students and seniors: $4, general $8

PROGRAM 1 / 6:45PM

6:45 pm Official selection:
- Best youth producer, “A letter to the mayor” by Denise Tejada and the Youth Radio Outreach Team, 8 min
- “Conoco Phillips at the Cross roads”, documentary by Ariel Lopez, 12 min
Best Documentary, “On the road with Evo” by Tupac Saavedra, 24 min
- “19: Victoria, Texas”, experimental by Dolissa Medina, 4 min
- Honorific mention, “Song for Cesar”, music video by Andres Alegria, Abel Sanchez & Jorge Santana, 7 min
- “Babelicos”, experimental by Rosa Mendez & Eduardo Gomez, 5 min
- Honorific mention, “Captain America”, short fiction by Camilo Leon, 18 min
- “Esteroscopia”, experimental by Diego Lama, 2 min

8:20 pm: special guest musician and performer, screening video at live:
Guillermo Galindo and MAIZ machine-object-instrument, Mexico, and Jen Cohen, Video Artist, SF, 25 min

PROGRAM 2 / 9 pm

9: pm Official selection:
- “Club Foot Queen”, by Brent Bishop, silent short movie with live organ music by the author, 13 min
- Official selection, “Untitle”, Experimental by Indira Urrutia, Chile, 7 min
- Best short fiction, “Circo Oscuro” by Tania Padilla, 18 min
- Best short fiction, “Breathing Chamber” by Carlos Marulanda, Colombia, 15 min
- Special guest "3 Pes", shot fiction by André Doria, Brazil, 7 min
- Best of the Video Fest, “Dead of Eros”, video-art by Diego Lama, Peru, 22 min
- Best Experimental short, “Catastrofe” de Marcelo Zevallos, Peru, 2 min
- “Diptico” experimental silent movie by Diego Lama, with live music by The GENIE, 4 min

10:30pm Opening reception and guest artist THE GENIE,
scratching guitar from El Salvador-San Francisco, 30 min

7 pm and 9 pm,
two different programs, Admission: Students and seniors: $4, general $8

PROGRAM 3 / 7pm

7: pm Official selection of the Video Fest 2006: 50 minutes with selected videos:
“Schizo”, experimental by Diego Lama, 6 min
“El Cortejo de los encantadores”, experimental by Mendez & Gomez, Spain, 5 min
“The working giant”, youth video by Genysys Sanchez, 3 min
“El santo pollero”, documentary by Adam Romo, Sylvia Romo & Julia Mitric, 8 min
“Producing just garments”, documentary by Media Insurgente, 24 min

7:50 pm special guest documentary: PLAN COLOMBIA, 57 min
directed by Gerard Ungerman & Audrey Brohy, narrated by Dolores Huerta featuring Paul Wellstone & Noam Chomsky, with Gerard Ungerman in person (Q-A), 15 min

PROGRAM 4 / 9:15 pm

9:15 pm “La Noche de Los Cortos”, selection of short videos from one of the most popular Video Festivals in South America: LA NOCHE DE LOS CORTOS, PERU, 45 min
10 pm special guest Documentary: VENEZUELA from below, directed by Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler, 67 min

THANKS to Bill Banning, Rick and all the ROXIE staff for the support
and Eduardo Waller and Martin Hamilton from the NEW COLLEGE of CALIFORNIA


7 pm and 9 pm,
two different programs:
2 different programs, Admission: Students and seniors: $5, general $8

PROGRAM 5 / 6:30 pm
6:30 pm Official selection:
Honorific mention, “Song for Cesar”, music video by Andres Alegria, Abel Sanchez
& Jorge Santana, 7 min
“Conoco Phillips at the Cross roads”, documentary by Ariel Lopez, 12 min
“Producing just garments”, documentary by Media Insurgente, 24 min
“19: Victoria, Texas”, experimental by Dolissa Medina, 4 min
Honorific mention, “Captain America”, short fiction by Camilo Leon, 18 min
“Esteroscopia”, experimental by Diego Lama, 2 min
7:45 pm “La Noche de Los Cortos”, selection of short movies from Peru, 60 min

PROGRAM 6 / 9 pm
special guest Documentary CROSSING ARIZONA, directed by Dan De Vivo and Joseph Mathew, 95 minutes

“Crossing Arizona” is an eye-opening look at the hotly debated issues surrounding illegal immigration. Heightened security in California and Texas has pushed illegal border-crossers into the treacherous Arizona desert in unprecedented numbers – an estimated 4,500 a day.Most are Mexican men in search of work, but increasingly the border-crossers are women and children seeking to reunite with their husbands and fathers.This influx of
migrants crossing through Arizona and the attendant rising death toll have elicited complicated feelings about human rights, culture, class, labor and national security.

Mission Arts Performance Project
all around the red Poppy Art House, Folsom @ 23rd Street.
Admission Free

PROGRAM 7 / 6 pm-11pm
5 hours of video installations and short movies from Spain, Peru and US
3 TV monitors with experimental video, video art and video-installation
- Selected videos of MASDELOMISMO, Spain
- Selected videos of Diego Lama
- Selected videos Peruvian Experimental
“Foco quemado” de Diego Vergara
“Musica” de Lucia Fernandez
“6´46” de Niel Felix Mauricio
“La Transgresion” de Jesus Vilchez
MAPP shows the art from the community and around, and this year is the award winning BEST OF THE BAY 2006 for “The best art in the hood”, SF BAY GUARDIAN

Admission: Students and seniors: $5, general $8
PROGRAM 8 / 3 pm - 6 pm, Ceremony Award
3 pm All the winners:
Best youth producer, “A letter to the mayor” by Denise Tejada and the Youth Radio Outreach Team, 8 min
Best Documentary, “On the road with Evo” by Tupac Saavedra, 24 min
Best short fiction, “Circo Oscuro” by Tania Padilla, 18 min
Best short fiction, “Breathing Chamber” by Carlos Marulanda, Colombia, 15 min
Best of the Video Fest, “Dead of Eros”, video-art by Diego Lama, Peru, 22 min
Best Experimental short, “Catastrofe” de Marcelo Zevallos, Peru, 2 min

Special guest MAMACOATL, singing from her new album "Border Crossing Diosa"

CEREMONY AWARD and reception